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No.97,Zhongshan Road Heping shenyang, china, TEL:+86-24-23839166 FAX:+86-24-23839103
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Name history:

Shenyang Yamato Hotel (1929)  Railway hotel(1945)  The northeast JiaoJiChu administrative committee(1948)  Liaoning Hotel(1954)


Yamato Hotel(Japanese:ヤマトホテル;Chiness:大和旅馆)For 1907 years to 1945 years at the time of the NaMan territory in manchuria railway city, ManTie management by the high-grade chain hotels, ManTie corporation by the department of transportation hotel jurisdiction of the class, the military activity place for men, a total of seven Yamato hotels, shenyang Yamato hotel is one of them.

Historical events:

Liaoning hotel was "and the hotel", was established in 1927, in April 1929, completion, all 7 layer. Designer is the design of the dalian railway station later too TianZong tai long. Was the ManTie affiliated to the highest building and the surrounding, shenyang and even the whole China is the first one of large luxury hotels, when all is the largest and most luxurious hotel in shenyang, and only with less of Japanese officers are eligible to enter.

Before the 918 incident, the Japanese troops activists are often met in this; "The 918" incident on the same day, here is a Japanese army headquarters. February 16, 1932, the commander BenZhuangFan presided over by troops, in today's third restaurant held a "northeast government affairs meeting, determined the" manchukuo "top candidates. Soon after the meeting, "manchukuo" is declared. After the surrender of Japan renamed "railway hotel". In August 1945, Chiang kai-shek, the KMT senior generals in almost all this, deploying the northeast of the war. In November 1948, Chen yun military workers into the lead in shenyang, and the next day the announced as a central committee of communist party of China DongBeiJu, northeast administrative committee, northeast military area commands main leaders of reception, renamed "northeast administrative committee JiaoJiChu".

In November 1948 to February 1949, has had three groups of Hong Kong's Democrats north from the central committee of the communist party in under the arrangement in this check in, besides to the XinZhengXie after preparatory work. 1954 years later to name today. Is a typical European architectural style of the famous hotel, has the Renaissance art characteristic, is the national tourism administration, the ministry of construction as "iconic", the municipal units of cultural relics protection. In the early days of state as political reception, MAO zedong and zhou enlai receive other state leaders and foreign leaders such as prince sihanouk with famous people.

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Tel. & Add. & Map

Hotel Tel.:024-23839166

Hotel Fax:024-23839103

Address:No.97,Zhongshan Road Heping shenyang, china