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No.97,Zhongshan Road Heping shenyang, china, TEL:+86-24-23839166 FAX:+86-24-23839103
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Liaoning hotel-mei lanfang meet Xiao feng xian

The time of issue:2012-07-14

And the hotel was built in 1927, the building area is about 10000 square meters. Completed in 1929, is the largest and the most luxurious shenyang hotel. Walked into the liaoning hotel, right against the face feel is the Renaissance breath. Touch the wall of hotel, pieces of the ceramic tile of green is nearly 80 years of history, the lobby steps is a European GongQuan pillar on both sides, the ceiling of the sculpture and droplight 70 years have never had to change. The restaurant's huge wooden door, cloakroom shells to carve screen is still send out the taste of of primitive simplicity.

In the building on the story happened within a lot of, among them, is the fact that: mei lanfang 1951 came to shenyang, and in this made an appointment with xiao feng xian.

At that time, mei lanfang rate troupe to north Korea sympathy volunteer army, via shenyang performance. In shenyang period, mei lanfang accidentally received a letter. He writes, "Mr. Mei, if contain shenyang long, if have the communication address, hope for the enterprises GongYu fault, a letter from the northeast. I now against from the bureau of ZhangJianZhong place for work. If not abandon nanny, give a talk about, is for hem to hope." The writer is in Beijing was outspoken of xiao feng xian.

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Hotel Tel.:024-23839166

Hotel Fax:024-23839103

Address:No.97,Zhongshan Road Heping shenyang, china